Please join us for a rather unique experiment; we will be doing a live presentation with a power point audio-visual in a multi-media format. We hope to also have live call-in question and answer at the end. Special thanks to RepublicMedia.TV and Sam Ettaro and E. Wayne Johnson for putting it all together!
Constitutional Liberty Coalition
Thursday – November 5, 2009
7pm to 9pm Eastern (6 – 8pm CST)
Sandra Crosnoe will share her unique and insightful presentation on Social Networking: “Wise as Serpents and Gentle as Doves”. Sandra, a conservative committed to returning the Republican Party to Constitutional footing, has over thirty years of activist experience, including her service as one of the Oklahoma grassroots coordinators for the Ron Paul Presidential Campaign in 2008.
Her presentation will feature livestream video followed by calls from viewers and discussion. She hopes to be joined by Shelli Dawdy of Facts are Stubborn Things to talk about some upcoming plans also.
More info: R3publican (political blog) and Finding Gems & Sharing Them (personal blog)
Watch Livestream Video or Listen via Revolution Broadcasting
Thursday night at 7 – 9 PM EST (6-8PM CDT)
To participate live for Questions & Discussion
email: ewjohnson@republicmedia.tv for access