Join special guests Chris Rye & Corey Kealiher, along with Shelli Dawdy and Sandra Crosnoe on Constitutional Liberty Coalition tonight at 7PM CDT where our topic will be For Liberty and the scheduled release of the movie documentary about the Ron Paul Revolution.
For Liberty: How the Ron Paul Revolution Watered the Withered Tree of Liberty follows this historic campaign from the perspective of grassroots activists, and showcases the unique, often bizarre, yet groundbreaking projects they undertook as they brushed aside traditional campaign methodology.
click on pic to go to CLC gets grizzly on Blog Talk Radio
call in # 646.915.9997
to talk with Chris and Corey tonight live 7-8PM CDT
in addition
This film will be previewed and available at the
Midwest Liberty Fest in Du Quoin, Illinois
Join us on air tonight with questions for Chris and Corey!